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Launched during Decarbonising Transport Week 2023, RIA’s RailDecarb23 campaign calls on the Government to take action now to enable the rail industry to remove all diesel-only trains from the network by 2040 and reach Net Zero by 2050.

The campaign urges the Government to accelerate plans for rail decarbonisation, through a rolling programme of electrification, investment in new traction methods like hydrogen and battery and bringing together Government, rail clients and suppliers to seek ways to reduce carbon when building the railway network.  

About RailDecarb23

Rail already plays a crucial role when it comes to decarbonisation, being a small part of the problem but a big part of the solution. Rail is one of the greenest forms of transport, contributing just 1.4% of transport emissions despite carrying 10% of all journeys and accounting for under 1% of all UK emissions. A single freight train removes up to 76 lorries from our roads, significantly reducing carbon emissions.

While rail has a proud track record and the potential to deliver even more, the industry needs the Government accelerate its decarbonisation plans. Insufficient investment in electrification and new traction technologies like hydrogen and battery means that Government targets of removing all diesel-only trains by 2040 and achieving a fully Net Zero railway by 2050 are currently set to be missed. 

The Traction Decarbonisation Network Strategy (TDNS) published by Network Rail in 2020 shows that to achieve Net Zero, the 15,400 kilometres of currently unelectrified railway lines in the UK will require decarbonising by:
13,000 kilometres to be electrified;
1,300 kilometres for hydrogen trains;
800 kilometres using battery trains; and
300 kilometres where a technology choice has not yet been made.

RIA is far from alone is calling for the Government to step-up their decarbonisation programme. A recent Transport Committee report (Fuelling the future: motive power and connectivity) says that Ministers need to speed up progress with electrifying the UK’s railways lines and publish a long-term strategy for decarbonising the rail network. The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK (CILT) has produced a roadmap which sets out how 95% of rail freight operations could be electrified by the mid-2040s at a lower cost compared to recent schemes. 


Electrification is currently the only decarbonisation technology that can deliver a full range of requirements including high-speed, long-distance passenger travel and freight haulage. To achieve its decarbonisation goals, the Government must electrify the network at a faster rate.

Electrification may not be viable on all routes as the long-term benefits may not justify the high investment cost and level of disruption caused by engineering works; in these cases battery electric and hydrogen may provide a solution.

Parliament's Transport Committee (Fuelling the future: motive power and connectivity report)

To empower rail to fulfil its immense potential, the Railway Industry Association is urging the Government to adopt a three-point plan to accelerate rail decarbonisation:

1. Immediately implement a rolling programme of cost-effective electrification on intensively-used lines

38% of the UK rail network is electrified – much less than comparable European countries. Electrified railways have been shown to benefit passengers and the wider travelling public as they:

Are better for the environment, with carbon emissions 60% lower than those from diesel trains today and 80% less with the estimated 2040 grid mix; they also produce no air pollutants at the point of use;
Cost less in the long term when compared to the whole-life costs of diesel services;
Improve journey times due to superior braking and acceleration;
Reduce passenger delays, as electric trains are more reliable than diesel trains; 
Are quieter, reducing noise pollution for those living and working near the tracks and reducing noise and vibration for passengers;
Are lighter, meaning less wear to the track and therefore less maintenance; and
Are the only decarbonisation technology suitable for freight trains and faster passenger trains (above 100mph).

Electrification in the past has been delivered in peaks and troughs of work, providing the industry with a significant amount of work over a few years, followed by a ‘cliff-edge’ in activity. This has contributed to higher costs as the sector is unable to retain the skills and expertise. In contrast a consistent workload in Germany has supported much lower unit costs. 

A rolling programme of electrification could reduce costs by up to 50% compared to some past problem projects, as demonstrated in RIA's Electrification Cost Challenge report.

2. Ramp-up fleet orders of low carbon rolling stock using new traction methods on less intensively-used parts of the network, including hydrogen and battery

There are parts of the network where electrification will not be a cost-effective solution and where technologies like hydrogen and battery will have a role. The industry has demonstrated its ability to offer these new technologies, with a number of rail suppliers working on low carbon rolling stock solutions. However, despite the fact that immediate carbon reduction could be achieved, no significant fleet orders have been placed for these technologies. 

Significant fleet orders of new rolling stock would stimulate a new industrial sector, creating and retaining jobs and intellectual property in the UK whilst accelerating the decarbonisation of the network and supporting future exports. There is an opportunity for UK rail to become a global leader in battery and hydrogen technologies, with rail demand helping to create the UK market necessary to stimulate growth and kick start the zero carbon economy.
3. Government, Network Rail and other rail clients to work with suppliers so they never lose out for offering lower carbon solutions, but are incentivised to reduce emissions. 

Many suppliers have set out their own route to Net Zero and are actively innovating to reduce the carbon in the goods and services they supply. Clients such as Network Rail are supporting this by asking suppliers to ‘sign up’ to targets to reduce the 97% of Network Rail’s carbon emissions that fall within ‘scope three’, meaning that they largely come from third parties, including suppliers. Network Rail’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy includes a target for 75% of suppliers to have their own science-based targets by 2025. 

This is positive, but it needs to be supported by specification and buying strategies that do not penalise low carbon solutions which are a little more expensive or new. 

4.  Planning for cost efficient delivery

Recognising the current fiscal challenges, RIA further recommends that there should be a cross-industry dialogue to establish a plan that maximises carbon reduction and rail service benefits within the available funding. This would aim to provide the industry with sufficient certainty to support investment decisions and a ramp up of delivery capability to deliver a programme for net zero rail. This could include examination of market solutions for financing the programme.

To stimulate this discussion, RIA will be developing further whole system proposals (including infrastructure and rolling stock) for interventions needed to efficiently decarbonise.

By adopting RIA’s key decarbonisation asks, the Government will enable rail to play a fuller role in securing Net Zero, and also give the supply sector the certainty it needs to plan ahead and deliver efficiently whilst creating jobs, investment and economic growth.



Rail Electrification: The Facts
This paper brings together the key benefits of electrification, above and beyond decarbonisation, from lower costs to reduced journey times. 

Why Rail Electrification?
This report urges the Government to begin a programme of rail electrification now, in order to meet Net Zero commitments. 

Electrification Cost Challenge report
The ECC report uses examples from both the UK and abroad to demonstrate how the high costs of recent electrification projects can be avoided in the future. 


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