
How can the UK railways secure more private investment?

31 March 2023

RIA has today published a paper setting out the case for private investment in UK rail infrastructure, identifying four key challenges and putting four key asks to Government. The paper has been written following input from members and stakeholders from other industries, such as energy and water, and calls for a clear policy on rail and private investment.

RIA's key actions for Government

Ask 1: A clear Government policy on rail and private investment 
To provide certainty of approach, to provide confidence over the life-cycle of investments

Ask 2: More pathfinder projects and standardised approaches 
We need a clear and specific route map for opportunities to invest in rail schemes

Ask 3: Intelligent market engagement and a targeted review of procurement practices 
In order to unlock innovation, the public sector must effectively engage with the private sector

Ask 4: Fair comparison of the costs and benefits of private finance with public borrowing
Government appraisal methodologies need to explicitly assess the potential benefits of using private finance

The Paper