Rail industry responds to Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIP) update

20 April 2020

The Railway Industry Association (RIA) has responded to an updated list of Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIP) in the transport sector, which includes projects requiring a Development Consent Order to proceed.

Darren Caplan, Chief Executive of the Railway Industry Association (RIA), said: “The Government should be given credit for publishing this list of Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects despite the Coronavirus crisis. However, from the railway industry’s perspective the list fails to detail rail enhancements and upgrades, which are crucial if the Government wants the rail supply sector to build an even better, world-class, rail network for the future.

“As the Government plans an economic recovery from the Coronavirus outbreak, it is likely that transport will be one of its infrastructure priorities. So it is disappointing the NSIP list fails to include more in the way of construction-ready rail projects that will generate economic growth, investment and jobs, at a time when this boost will be most needed. 

“The railway industry will continue to work with the Government, but can only help with plans for the recovery if there is clear visibility of the kind of enhancements and upgrade projects which should have been in the NSIP. If we can have more certainty of upcoming work, the rail supply industry will be able to play an even bigger part in ensuring the UK is ‘match fit’ to deliver for UK plc, its economy and connectivity, in the difficult weeks and months ahead.”

Notes to Editors

  1. The update of NSIP projects can be found here
  2. About RIA: The Railway Industry Association (RIA) is the voice of the UK rail supply community. We help to grow a sustainable, high-performing, railway supply industry, and to export UK rail expertise and products. We promote and represent our members’ interests to policy makers, clients and other stakeholders in the UK and overseas. RIA has 300+ companies in membership in a sector that contributes £36 billion in economic growth and £11 billion in tax revenue each year, as well as employing 600,000 people—more than the workforce of Birmingham. It is also a growing industry with the number of rail journeys expected to double over the next 25 years and freight set to grow significantly too. RIA’s membership is active across the whole of railway supply, covering a diverse range of products and services and including both multi-national companies and SMEs (60% by number). RIA works to promote the importance of the rail system to UK plc, to help export UK expertise around the globe and to share best practice and innovation across the industry.